Who am I, you ask? And what am I doing?

Well, my name is Jaclyn.

I am an undergraduate at the University of California, Santa Barbara studying aquatic biology and pursuing a minor in professional writing.

This summer, I have the incredible opportunity of working with the Moorea Coral Reef Long Term Ecological Research program, housed at UCSB but studying coral reef ecology on the island of Moorea in French Polynesia. I am spending three months as a research assistant, diving every day doing both field work through scuba diving as well as laboratory work in order to assist the principle investigators of the project, Russ Schmitt and Sally Holbrook, on their coral reef ecology research.

I made this blog for family and friends. If I could, I’d bring you all here with me, but trust me, nobody would be pleased with all the damn mosquitos that have taken a liking to my legs and feet. But since I can’t bring you all, I decided to try and share my experience with those who want to read about it.

Hope you enjoy!

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